""The 5000 OptiSpace Fridge offers lots of storage options, with abundant room between shelves. The drawers can all be easily detached and reattached, for effortless and convenient storage. This innovative Fridge with OptiSpace offers lots of storage options, and abundant room between shelves. The drawers can all be easily detached and reattached, for effortless and convenient storage. Freeze food safely even in the fridge. The four-star freezer compartment allows you to safely freeze your fresh food down to -18ºC, even inside the fridge. Ideal for efficient freezing of smaller amounts of food or convenience meals. The Internal Electronic Control feature gives you full command of the storage conditions of your food. The LED indicators show you the temperature setting clearly for convenient adjustment and control. The internal LED lighting produces a discreet, soft light, shining evenly across the whole space. Plus, LED bulbs are smaller and more energy efficient than standard bulbs – a more sustainable choice. Coolmatic: Quickly chills fresh foods, preserving flavour, colour and nutritional value. Ideal when large quantities of fresh food are placed into the fridge, great for part food and drinks. The Coolmatic function switches itself off automatically after a set period and the refrigerator compartment returns to the pre-set temperature.Auto fridge defrost: The refrigerator defrosts itself automatically, saving you the chore of doing it yourself – and it’s energy efficient too. Precision cooling system: The precision cooling system distributes cold air throughout the fridge ensuring an even temperature is maintained for perfect cooling on every shelf. ""